Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Getting started

Oh my, I'm blogging.  Be nice, it's all new to me!

 I'm a photographer, so I may share a pic with you once in awhile.
I'm also a poet, so I may just, um, burst into song for no reason on occasion.

I love words when they fit together just so.  If a book I'm reading can bring tears to my eyes, or make my hair stand on end, it's a keeper. I read a lot, so I might share that with you too.

I run my own online businesses through  a marketplace called Bonanzle, so you'll hear about that here on occasion.  I promise not to beat you over the head with it.

 At www.Bonanzle.com/CollectibleCorner, you'll find a nice assortment of collectibles from vintage to newer, at what I think is a good price.  You may disagree, but then we can always talk about it in my booth's chat box.

At www.Bonanzle.com/CollectibleCornerToo you'll find an assortment of general merchandise, mostly pre-owned, from books to shoes and everything in between.  I love to shop, and sometimes I need to cull my goodies to make room for more.

At www.Bonanzle.com/SdOriginals, you'll find photographic prints, for now, to brighten your home.  This booth is intended for all of my created things, but there's been little time for creativity lately! So this booth is a work in progress.

I hope you'll find something here interesting enough to make you want to come back!  In the meantime, I'll just  keep talking to myself!


  1. Now this is an inspiration blog If a Cat can blog then surly I can to! :) It's on my list of things to do. Thank you for sharing. :)

  2. Great start beauty! way to go! :D I am following your blog now :D I will look forward to reading more!

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging. I only started really blogging shortly after joining Bonanzle. I tried like once before that. Hence my blog has horrible url LOL myworldmylifemythoughts something like that lol. Now I have two blogs. You will love blogging, then there will be times where you forget to for a while then you will jump right back in.

    Your off to a great start :)

    aka KimsKorner

  4. Great start, I really need to figure this out some day.
    aka CindyBear

  5. I think this is fantastic. I am now follower, hoping it can inspire me to start one as well.

    If only I could express myself as well as everyone can...lol

    I look forward to reading more great blogs from you.
